“Cops And Kids Go Shopping” Replaces “Shop With A Cop”

The Fort Findlay FOP Lodge 20, which is comprised of members of the Findlay Police Department and other Hancock County agencies, has established a new nonprofit organization called the Fort Findlay FOP Lodge 20 Foundation.

The foundation has created a localized “Cops and Kids” program to replace “Shop with a Cop”, which is a national program.

Development Director Teresa White says they’ll be able to raise more money this way and help more kids and all the money will stay local instead of going to pay for fees to the national “Shop with a Cop” program.



Teresa says they plan on having 12 months of programming with new events like “Cocoa with a Cop” and art classes with officers so officers and kids can see each other more often

Each year the activities will culminate in December with the annual holiday shopping trip “Cops and Kids Go Shopping”.



Learn more about the Fort Findlay FOP Lodge 20 Foundation and its “Cops and Kids” program by clicking here.

(the video below and picture above are from the 2019 “Shop with a Cop” at the Findlay Meijer)

(the 2020 “Shop with a Cop” was held differently because of the pandemic and you can read about that by clicking here)