Stupid Criminal Is NOT Dog’s Best Friend

I’ve heard of drunk drivers trying to switch places with a passenger at a DUI stop . . . but usually, that passenger is another HUMAN. A 28-year-old guy in Colorado got pulled over for DUI recently, and at the last minute, he tried to switch places with his DOG who was in the passenger seat. A deputy actually witnessed the maneuver as he approached the vehicle. The guy told the cop he wasn’t driving the car, and then proceeded to jump out of the passenger door and tried to make a run for it. He got about 20 yards away before being caught and arrested. But here’s the weird thing, the dog wasn’t the only passenger in the car. There were two SOBER PEOPLE in the backseat. Obviously his excuse didn’t work, and he was arrested. At some point, you know the dog had to look at the guy and say “C’mon Man!”