Are Paper Cuts An Endangered Species?

Here’s an unintended bonus when it comes to technology . . . PAPERCUTS are becoming a thing of the past. A group of researchers recently conducted some experiments on papercuts. Now, to spare themselves the pain, they used a gelatin replica of human tissue to use in place of their index finger. The study found that the paper thicknesses makes a difference. Flimsy, thin stuff like tissue paper, and heavy, thicker stuff like postcards, are less likely to give you a papercut. So what’s the WORST paper? A thickness of around 65 micrometers was the paper cut sweet spot. That makes dot-matrix printer paper the most treacherous, followed by the paper used in various magazines and books. And researchers also found that the ANGLE of slicing also played a role. Paper pressed straight down into the gelatin was less likely to cut than paper that cleaved across and down.