2024 Summer Olympic Fun Facts #2

The Summer Olympics are off and running (competitively of course). And since it’s the weekend, as a public service . . . here’s another round-up of some stats and facts . . . that COULD just win you a beer in a “bar bet” . . .

  1. Between the Olympics and Paralympics, around 5,000 medals will be handed out. Each one has over half-an-ounce of iron from the Eiffel Tower mixed in (pretty cool!).
  2. Around 10,000 different torchbearers have carried the torch over the past three months. It’s been winding its way through France since early May. Snoop Dog is scheduled to be the second to last person to carry the torch before they use it to light the Olympic Flame.
  3. The youngest and oldest athletes on Team USA . . . Gymnast Hezly Rivera just turned 16 last month. And Steffen Peters will compete in “Dressage” (the fancy horse-dancing event), and he’s 59 . . . and it’s his sixth Olympics.