63% Say It’s Now Socially Acceptable To Do THIS At A Restaurant
Just a few years ago, if you did this at a restaurant, you’d be considered a NERD! After several years of people making fun on social media, taking photos of your food, may be kosher again. 63% say it’s okay to take photos of your food at a restaurant. BUT . . . it should be quick. Snap a photo when the plates arrive, and then put your phone away again. In fact, for the most part, when it comes to cellphone etiquette at a restaurant . . .
- 80% of people said your smartphone should be OUT OF SIGHT on a date.
- 54% said no one should see it during a family gathering . . .
- And 50% said you shouldn’t have it out even with friends.
There are a few exceptions.
- 81% said it IS appropriate to whip your phone out to get a photo of the person you’re eating with.
- 66% say it’s okay if you’re getting an urgent call . . .
BUT it would be best if you alerted others at your table that you were expecting a call that you’d need to take. But, even then, you should have it on vibrate.