A 13-Year-Old’s Bucket List
Parents shouldn’t snoop on their kids’ writing without reason, but there’s probably no better way of understanding their ambition in life, than coming across a BUCKET LIST that they’ve written. A 13-year-old’s bucket list is going viral, after the kid’s parent posted it, anonymously. And after reading his list . . . I realize I need to rethink my entire life! Enjoy . . .
- Get a full taxidermy alligator.
- Go to New Zealand.
- Become a published author.
- Discover a new species.
- Eat an octopus.
- Befriend a binturong(that’s a bearcat, if you didn’t know).
- Get a cool Jeep.
- Have a YouTube channel.
- Prove the existence of goblins.
- Meet J.K. Rowling.
- Become the world’s leading expert on “Redwall”(the fantasy books).
- Legally change my names (the kid’s parent say his name is “very common,” and when asked about it, the kid said he wanted to change it to something like “Trevor Bartholomew Dunglepants the Third”).
- Get married.
- Save an animal species.
- Go on a fossil dig.
- Go snorkeling with a shark.
- Help make a movie.
- Meet an alien.
- Become a millionaire.
- Beat up someone.
(No offense to YOUR brilliant kid, but this little guy is going places, specifically, New Zealand. And as imaginative as his list is, many of these are actually achievable! So Gods Speed Mr. Dunglepants)