A Good News Story:

Next weekend is the big Super Bowl weekend, so here’s an appropriate “Good News Story” for your Friday morning . . . Eight-year-old Declan LeBaron lives in Philadelphia, and suffers with juvenile arthritis, and has been in the hospital 17 times (again, he’s 8 years old). A guy named Zachery runs an account called MDMotivator, and does nice stuff for deserving people. His followers recently suggested he do something for Declan, who loves the Eagles. So Declan was walking around a Dollar Store with his mom, when Zach walked up and offered him $1,000 cash, or a “mystery” gift. He chose the mystery gift, and won 2 tickets to the NFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME last weekend. He’d never even been to a regular NFL game, so he was pumped. Zach also gave him the $1,000, and Declan handed it out to random customers at the store.