Classic Movies Props That Were Thrown in the Trash

Movie props go for a LOT of money, especially when they’re from a CLASSIC. So it might break your heart a little to know that some were thrown in the TRASH. Here are a few props that were thrown out . . .

  1. The treasure map from “The Goonies”Sean Astin’s mom threw it away after he moved out of the house.
  2. The Scrumdidlyumptious chocolate bars from “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory”: Thousands were thrown away from the production lot to make room for the filming of “Cabaret”. Only one survived.
  3. The Death Star from the original “Star Wars”: Fox threw it out because they didn’t want to pay rent on a storage unit.
  4. Scarlett O’Hara’s dress from “Gone with the Wind”: It was found in a throwaway pile on the floor at a costume company.
  5. The leg lamp from “A Christmas Story”: All of the lamps were thrown away by the ’90s.

(You can see more HERE)