Every Parents Nightmare!

If you’ve ever had to pay for something at a store because your kid broke it, at least you’re not THIS Dad! A guy in Israel went to a museum known for its collection of rare ancient artifacts . . . and his four-year-old son broke a jug that was 3,500 YEARS OLD. It was on a stand near the entrance and wasn’t behind glass. The dad says his son was curious what was in the jug, so he pulled on it “slightly” to look, which caused the jug to fall off its pedestal and SHATTER. But the good news is, the kid’s parents are NOT on the hook for it. The museum said when someone damages something on purpose, they get the cops involved. But since it’s a kid and he didn’t mean to do it, that’s obviously not happening. They actually invited him and his family to come back to the museum once the jug is restored. They’re gluing it back together and say it should be done by this weekend. They also said they’re not changing their policy and plan to keep allowing people to get up close and personal with their exhibits.  (Here’s the jar before and after it was smashed. It’s the one on the far right in the first photo)