How Much Is “An Arm And A Leg” Worth?

(Just a heads-up, this is a REAL story . . . and sorry about the morbidity) You’ve probably heard someone complaining about how groceries cost “an arm and a leg” these days. But trust me on this . . . they’re exaggerating. It isn’t that eggs are NOT more expensive. It’s that technically . . . an “arm and a leg” is worth a LOT more than you have in the bank. Here’s how I know . . . six years ago, a 56-year-old drunk man in New York City fell onto the subway tracks (this is NOT going to end well for him). The train operator failed to stop in time, and the train ran him over. Severing one of his legs, his hip joint, and most of an arm. He survived, but he’s unable to work again, so he filed a lawsuit against the MTA, and the court awarded him $90 MILLION. So, in a literal sense, they ruled that “an arm and a leg” is in fact, worth $90 million. The court found that the train operator would’ve had time to stop the train if he would’ve pulled the emergency brake. The driver did admit that he saw people on the platform waving frantically, and that he saw something on the tracks, but he thought it was a bag of garbage (he also admitted he should’ve braked).