Is Your Nighttime Routine Normal?
I think everybody wants reassurance they are normal (or in my case, kinda normal). Here’s a chance to see if you’re normal in bed. Now before you run for the door, I’m talking about your sleep habits. Buzzfeed asked thousands of people about their nighttime routines . . . and here are a few of the results they got:
- 49% of people always take showers or a bath at night. 15% never do.
- 77% always brush their teeth at night. 6% never do.
- 20% always read a book at night. 42% never do.
- 78% always scroll on their phone at night. 9% never do.
- 26% always listen to music at night. 48% never do.
- 64% always sleep with the door closed. 26% leave it open.
- 72% always want to fall asleep BEFORE midnight.
- And 28% prefer to hit the hay at 12:00am or later.
(Click HERE to hit up Buzzfeed for more)