It’s National Hot Dog Day!

Today is National Hot Dog Day, and a recent poll showed that most people have relatively classic tastes when it comes to toppings.

  • 73% of Americans like mustard on hot dogs.
  • Ketchup is next at 62%.
  • Then onions, relish, and chili (they all got at least 50%).

When it comes to hot dog toppings, people seem to be more open-minded than on things like pizza toppings . . .

  • 96% of Americans say people should be free to put whatever condiments they want on hot dogs.
  • 82% say there’s no wrong way to dress a hot dog.
  • And 41% enjoy non-traditional condiments like BBQ sauce, ranch dressing, sriracha, and “savory jam.”

Here are a few of the more “creative” topping combinations if you Google “Crazy Hot Dog Toppings . . .

  • Doritos, pulled pork, BBQ sauce, and bacon.
  • Fried egg, arugula, guacamole, and garlic aioli.
  • Pesto and caramelized onions.
  • Mashed potatoes, gravy, and onions.