Labor Day Stats:
How would you rate your “hot dog intake” this summer? Well, we’re going to need you to step up this weekend BIG TIME, because we have 212 MILLION hot dogs to eat by Tuesday. According to the latest Labor Day statistics, 818 hot dogs are eaten every SECOND from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Which means we have 212 million hot dogs left to eat over the next three days. Here are some a couple random Labor Day fun facts:
67% of Americans celebrate Labor Day (the others have to work?),
63% plan to barbeque sometime over the weekend,
Roughly 168 million Americans, 16 and older, are in the labor force, and .
According to a recent poll, Washington, D.C. is the HARDEST working city . . .
Burlington, Vermont is the LAZIEST city . . .
67% of people believe they’re working harder this year than last year.