The world record for “Largest Gathering of People Dressed as Dinosaurs” was absolutely shattered last month, but sadly, it won’t count, because TOO MANY people showed up. (???) Thousands of “Canadian T-Rexs” overwhelmed organizers who were trying to beat the fairly lame record of 252 dinosaurs set in Los Angeles in 2019. They estimate up to 6,000 T-rexes were there, but that’s the problem. They only got an estimate because they weren’t prepared to count that many people. Official count was done by handing out wristbands, but they only had 3,000 of them. Which would have been fine, and they could have settled for that number. But a bunch of T-rexes with wristbands were seen leaving the event too early. And in order to break the record, they needed to all stay in one spot for a full minute, and that didn’t happen. Officials say they’re making it an annual thing, and will be fully prepared next year. Apparently herding T-Rexs is a little like herding kittens!