Scientists Have Created the Worst Song in History

I always thought the worst song ever recorded was Starship’s “We Built This City”. . . but apparently I was wrong. Three scientists have crafted what THEY believe Is the worst song of all time. They based it on a survey where people listed elements of a song that they hate the most. Answers included “cowboy lyrics”, a chorus of kids, bagpipe howls, Bossa nova synths, advertising slogans, and more.

So these science guys took all that and more, and jammed it into a 22-minute track that is truly horrifying. It’s called “The Most Unwanted Song”, and it includes . . .

  1. An opera singer “rapping” text from a German philosopher.
  2. A children’s choir chanting about various holidays like Christmas, Easter, and Yom Kippur, urging celebrants to do all their shopping at Walmart.
  3. Bagpipes
  4. The same opera singer rapping about “cowboy living.”
  5. An angry woman yelling into a bullhorn.

If you make it through the whole 22 minutes . . . you did better than me!