The Perfect Gift for the “Surprise Me” Friend?

If you know someone that always says “Surprise me” when asked what to get them for Christmas, here’s an idea, how about . . .  UNCLAIMED MAIL. Here’s how it works: you order a “mystery box” of a certain size, maybe $40 for a small one, or up to $200 for a large one. And here’s where the “fun” kicks in, they open a random shipping packages, which could contain anything. Now, you’re not guaranteed to get anything of value, it’s supposed to be about the “experience”, in a “White Elephant” sort of way. One person says their mystery box had a knock-off Chanel bag, a human-size Bowser suit, and a bunch of fake IDs (they thought it was hilarious). HOWEVER, it can get awkward! Someone got one for their boss who insisted they didn’t want anything for their birthday, THIS “mystery box” included lingerie and some naughty toys. (You can Google and find companies that do this, but be aware, like everything else, there could be risks involved.)