The Secret to Living Longer Is . . .

Most of the “secrets” to living a long life are NOT fun: Eating healthy, exercising, and somehow avoiding stress and lack of sleep. But THIS might be different . . . what if the secret was eating more CHEESE? There’s a new study out, that says that the single most important contributor to healthy aging and longevity is “mental well-being”, but a close second might be “Cheese consumption.” (???) Before you get too excited, there definitely isn’t a direct connection between chowing down on Cheez-Its and eternal life. But here’s their logic: To live longer you need a happy mental well-being, and those who reported the most robust levels of mental health and stress resilience seemed to eat more cheese and fruit. So, is that a stretch? Sure. Will I use it as an excuse to order extra mozzarella? Yes, most definitely.)