Top 5 Little Known Facts About the I.R.S.
Happy Tax Day (if there is such a thing)! But for something that plays such a big role in our lives, and an even bigger role in our nightmares . . . America’s tax enforcement agency remains a mystery. That is, until now . . . thanks to today’s list of the: Top 5 Little Known Facts About the I.R.S.
5) It started in 1913 when politicians said, “Let’s give Americans a reason to hate April.”
4) The main office is in a bad part of Washington, D.C. called “Washington, D.C.”
3) They make sure Tax Day is always before 4/20 so stoners don’t forget to file.
2) An audit notice from them also functions as a natural laxative.
1) If you owe them money, pay NOW! If they owe you money, check your mailbox in 2027.