BVHS Adjusting Guidelines To Further Limit Number Of Visitors

visitation guidelines due to the rise in COVID cases in the community. BVHS says, effective Monday, January 17th it will be further limiting the number of visitors coming into its facilities due to the increased transmission in the community and rise in COVID-19 cases. BVHS says this is to ensure that they can continue to provide the safest environment for patients, visitors and associates. The updated guidelines can be seen by clicking here. In accordance with the updated guidelines, all BVHS visitors are required to wear a mask at all times, including time spent in the room of a loved one. The health system will provide an appropriate mask that covers the nose, mouth and chin. BVHS recently prohibited cloth masks, and said visitors must wear a surgical mask or an N-95 mask, which will be provided upon entry. Additionally, visitors are required to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer every time they enter or exit a patient room. When visiting BVHS, it is important to note the safest practice for patients and visitors is to wear a mask and physically distance, regardless of vaccination status, when entering or exiting a patient room. When wearing a mask, it is important that it covers a person’s mouth and nose to prevent the spread of secretions when breathing, talking, sneezing or coughing. BVHS continues to take temperatures and screen at the door. Visitors with symptoms or a high temperature will not be allowed into the facility in order to better protect patients and visitors. Medical professionals have the right to refuse appointments to those who do not comply.   [advanced_iframe src="<iframe src="" width="500" height="465" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" allow="autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture; web-share"></iframe>" width="100%" height="600"]]]>