2021 Christmas Tree.
The city is taking suggestions from people who may have a tree on their property that they think would look great all lit up outside the municipal building.
People with a recommendation can send an email to [email protected] or call Kathy Launder in the mayor’s office at 419-424-7137.
The tree should be 25 to 35 feet tall and preferably be a short needle spruce.
It should be easily accessible for equipment to get to and have no obstructions like overhead lines.
It should not be a backyard tree unless the yard is totally accessible for large equipment.
The city will remove the tree, grind the stump, clean up the area and seed.
The city will also plant a new tree in the spring if desired by the property owner.
Last year’s tree (pictured) was courtesy of Ray and Danny Hines and Mike Bridenbough.
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