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Couple Arrested After Being Found Passed Out on Florida Beach with Children Missing

Florida residents will probably say, “Whew, at least this couple wasn’t from here.”Spring Break Springtime Sticker

Alyssia Langley and Timothy Stephens, both 27 years old, were vacationing from Georgia when they were found passed out on Daytona Beach last Saturday. 

Authorities responded to a 911 call, and a Volusia County Sheriff’s deputy tried to wake the couple up multiple times. 

An open beer can was found near Stephens’ hand, along with more empty beer cans and an empty bottle of whiskey in a cooler.

The arrest affidavit said the couple’s five and seven-year-old kids were missing.

Fortunately, other officers found the kids playing at a nearby hotel pool. 

Both Langley and Stephens were arrested. 
