The Do-Not-Call Registry is 20
THE DO-NOT-CALL REGISTRY IS 20 _ Twenty years ago this week (June 27) the national do-not-call registry went online ( with the intent of blocking sales phone pitches from nearly all sources. The national registry, a project of the Federal Trade Commission more than a year in the making, was inaugurated at a White House ceremony led by President George W. Bush. At the time, the FTC estimated the list would block about 80 percent of telemarketing calls. At the time, telemarketers were to check the list every three months to determine who does not want to be called. Those who called listed people could be fined up to $11,000 for each violation. Many Americans today have little faith in the list. The registry now includes more than 221 million phone numbers. As we know, having your number on the Do Not Call list will not necessarily stop all unwanted phone calls, as scammers often ignore the registry and call anyway.