Why Do We Let Ourselves Get Scammed?

 “Dirty Money,” psychologist Christopher Chabris shares tips to avoid getting taken in by expert financial criminals.

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Psychologist Christopher Chabris joins the show and describes the habits and behaviors that make the majority of us positive members of society — and also susceptible to attack from criminals.



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From phishing scams to Ponzi schemes, fraudulent science to crypto hucksters, Chabris, along with his co-author of the book Nobody’s Fool Daniel Simons have studied the science of deception and provide practical tools you can use to spot schemes before it’s too late.


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It is easy to sit back and think “That would never happen to me,” but as Chabris explains, these fraudsters are experts at finding weaknesses and exploiting them. He provides a checklist of red flags to help you decipher phony financial opportunities from real ones. This is an episode you do not want to miss!

Follow the link below to hear the podcast!