Your Post-Exercise Beer is messing up your body.


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YOUR POST-EXERCISE BEER IS MESSING UP YOUR BODY _ Athletes who celebrate wins by drinking a few beers are causing more harm than good. Researchers found that the body is in a state of dysfunction and repair after vigorous exercise and drinking alcohol can make post-exercise recovery worse — and the next workout much harder. High-intensity actions such as running, jumping, tackling, and changing direction create temporary muscle damage and soreness. After intense sports and exercise, an athlete’s strength and endurance can be depleted for several days but proper nutrition and hydration can combat this — but alcohol is off the menu. Drinking alcohol slows down the repair process of exercise-induced muscle damage by inhibiting the functions of hormones that aid this process. And for athletes with a soft tissue injury, it’s even worse, as alcohol opens up the blood vessels and encourages swelling at the injury site. Homer Beer GIF - Homer Beer GIFs