Wanna listen to never-before-heard Hendrix?  You’ve got to go to the moon first.

Unheard Hendrix Song Now Lives on The MoonMorph Jimi Hendrix GIF

The curator of a billion-year time capsule says he’s added songs from Elvis, The Who and many others.

He also mentioned that the capsule contains a never-heard-before Jimi Hendrix tune!

The $118 billion Odysseus lander that touched down on the moon last week has 50,000 songs onboard.

Space Blue executive Dallas Santana explained, “Songs that have never been released, ever – they’re on the moon now. The world will find out about them”, while hinting that the Hendrix song Outer Space Travel GIF by Bombay Softwareswas recorded before he formed the Jimi Hendrix Experience.

But…why the time capsule? Director Michael Nash explained, “In case we blow ourselves up with a nuclear weapon or a meteor hits us or climatic change wipes us out, there’s a testament of our history sitting on the moon.”
