“Food Hacks” . . . That AREN’T Dumb

You’ve probably seen a bunch of “food hacks” on the interweb. But a lot of them don’t actually work, or there kind of lame. Buzzfeed has posted a pretty good collection of these food hacks, including . . .

  • Using a baby monitor to keep an eye on the temperature of a smoker.
  • Eating a hard taco OVER a soft tortilla shell, and then everything that drops out of the first taco, makes a second taco.
  • Mixing a few cereals together, for variety AND to regulate sweetness levels.
  • For easy-to-eat s’mores, try making them in ice cream cones.
  • Freeze fresh lime juice into ice cubes for margaritas!”
  • Beer can taco stands.

(Click HERE for more food hacks)