Italy Is Being Rocked by the “Pineapple on Pizza” Debate

Italy is in meltdown right now after PINEAPPLE just showed up on the menu at a well-known pizza place. It’s become an acceptable topping for a lot of Americans, but most Italians still passionately disagree with that. Gino Sorbillo a highly respected, third-generation pizzeria owner, decided to challenge that trend by adding it as an option at his restaurant. He says he’s doing it to “combat food prejudice,” and that it annoys him when people, “follow the crowd and condition themselves according to other people’s views.” Now he’s not selling what we’d call a “Hawaiian pizza.” His has three types of cheese, the pineapple is cooked twice to give it a caramelized taste, and the biggest difference is it’s a “white pizza” with no tomato sauce. Gino says tomatoes are a fruit, and you should never have two fruits on a pizza. He says it makes everything too acidic. Check out what Italian pineapple pizza looks like.