Mother’s Day Heads-Up:

We’re only a few days away from Mother’s Day, and if you’re NOT getting your Mom Velveeta filled chocolates, this might help. If you’re trying to figure out what to get her, and apparently all you need to do, is listen. According to a recent poll . . .

  • 71% of mothers say they DROP HINTS in conversation to let their partners know what Mother’s Day gifts they want.
  • 67% of them will even create wish-lists to make it easier.

Maybe this means they do NOT want what the men in their lives usually get them! This year . . .

  • 43% of men say they were planning to get jewelry.
  • 39% said an “edible gift”.
  • And 36% said they were thinking clothing and accessories.

Now, that said . . .

  • 38% of moms said they’d like a handmade gift.
  • 27% said they’d enjoy baked cookies from their kids or partner.
  • And 37% are hinting about a SPA DAY.

And finally . . .

  • 49% of moms say the most meaningful thing others can do is take care of household chores or other tasks, so they can put their feet up and relax.

Hey now, let’s not get TOO greedy there Ma!