Signs You’re an Ugly Flight Attendant
You wouldn’t think this would fly (see what I did there) in today’s “woke world”. We talked about this earlier this morning, according to a RECENT survey of travelers, “Attractive” flight attendants are essential to an airlines bottom line. So, get ready to launch a job search, if you can relate to anything on today’s list of the . . . Top 5 Signs You’re an Ugly Flight Attendant . . .
#5) You fly for JetEwwwww.
#4) You logged a lot of hours in the air. And even more hours in Loch Ness.
#3) You’re replaced in the pre-flight safety video by Steve Buscemi.
#2) William Shatner asks if he once saw you on a wing. (It’s a “Twilight Zone” reference, kids!)
#1) Instead of a call button, people summon you with a Milk-Bone.