Things We Pretend No One Does But We ALL Do Them

People try to divide us, but we have more in common then we like to admit. There’s a string on Reddit talking about things we pretend we don’t do, but in reality, we aren’t fooling anyone, because we ALL do it. Here are a few of the most-relatable highlights:

1) Seeing someone in front of something you want at a store, but pretending you’re getting something else, waiting for them to leave that area so you can get it.

2) When someone uses a word you don’t know, even though you pretend to understand what they’re talking about.”

3) Screening calls and not answering, but later saying, “I didn’t know you called.”

4) Panic cleaning before guests come over, then apologizing for the mess. (maybe even more so, if you find out you need to give someone a ride in your messy car)

5) Having a full conversation with your pet.