Tips For A Safe Memorial Day Weekend

It’s the first big “holiday extended weekend” of the year . . . so SOMEONE has to be the buzzkill. This being the first big “outdoorsy” holiday weekend, some of us may be a little “rusty”. Here are a few ways to make sure everyone has a happy and SAFE Memorial Day weekend . . .

  1. Driving:  AAA expects a record 38.4 million people on the road this year, so buckle up, make sure you’re well-rested, don’t speed, and never drink-and-drive. Of course there will be some idiots who WILL drink-and-drive, so give the road your full attention, and be prepared to drive defensively.
  2. Grilling:  Never leave a hot grill unsupervised, make sure it’s far enough away from buildings, trees, and anything else that could catch fire. Keep kids and pets away from it, and never spray lighter fluid on coals that are already hot.
  1. Food safety:  Don’t leave food out of the refrigerator for more than two hours. When the temperature is up over 90, that drops to one hour. Any longer than that and you risk food poisoning.
  1. Water safety:  Pay close attention to kids when you’re around water, never swim alone, and always wear life jackets if you’re out on a boat.
  2. Sun safety:  The National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention came up with “Slip, Slop, Slap, and Wrap”. Slip on a long-sleeved shirt to protect your arms . . . slop on plenty of sunscreen that’s SPF 15 or higher . . . slap on a hat to protect your face and neck . . . and wrap on a pair of sunglasses to protect your eyes from sun damage.