We Get An Extra Hour To Sleep This Weekend, But Will It Make A Difference?

Daylight Saving Time is ending this weekend, which in theory, means we get an extra hour of sleep on Saturday night. But that may not be enough to get a good night of well rested, refreshing sleep. 21% of people say they “rarely or never” wake up feeling well-rested. The reason could be BAD SLEEPING HABITS. These are the things we do to sabotage a good night’s sleep . . .

  • Going to bed at different times every night.
  • “Screen-time in bed” . . .
  • Eating too much right before bed . . .
  • Falling asleep with the TV on . . .
  • And pulling all-nighters.

Some people say, “Don’t lose sleep over things you can’t control. Just count sheep!” But my #1 worry at night is trying to force the sheep in my thoughts to jump over the fence. It’s because they’re all lazy . . . just lying on the hillside . . . probably counting PEOPLE. (???)