What’s The Strangest Thing YOU’VE Ever Found In A Hotel Room?

This is a “crazy” Vegas story I’m willing to bet you’ve never heard before . . .

a couple was staying at the Excalibur resort in Vegas a couple weeks ago, noticed some weird stuff happening in their room. Things seemed to be knocked over in the bathroom, there were strange sounds in the walls, and they saw what appeared to be PEE in the shower.

Turns out it was a CAT. They woke up one night at 4:00 A.M. and it was just standing in their room, looking at them.

The couple later found out that the previous guest had reported losing their cat after they thought it had snuck out.

It had been six days since that guest had left, and the couple had been there for three days. The cat apparently survived by coming out at night and drinking toilet water. The good news, the cat is fine, and has been reunited with its rightful owner.

In a strange twist, the couple in the room were both veterinarians who were in town for a conference.