This dog didn’t eat the homework! He ate the mortgage and the car payment!

Make It Rain Cat Sticker by PlayDappTownCouple’s Dog Eats $4,000 in Cash

A Pittsburgh couple’s dog ate $4,000 in cash stuffed in an envelope.

It was a “dirty job” to retrieve around $3,500 of the four grand after the cash payment requested by the couple’s fence installers was turned into a snack by Cecil, the couple’s 7-year-old Goldendoodle.

The couple found bills lying everywhere but also followed Cecil around for two days to retrieve shreds of $50 and $100 bills to piece back together for bank replacements.

“I never thought I’d be able to say I’ve laundered money, but there is apparently a first time for everything,” Cecil’s owner, Carrie Law, told ‘The Washington Post’.