This Tennessee museum has a piece of O.J. history

 O.J. Simpson died at age 76 after a battle with cancer.

He’s being remembered as one of the greatest NFL running backs. 

A piece of his storied legacy is his infamous police chase in his white Ford Bronco after he was charged with the murders of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown, and Ron Goldman.

The Bronco actually belonged to Simpson’s former teammate and close friend Al Cowlings, who was driving the vehicle as O.J. sat in the back. Spectators lined the streets of LA to cheer OJ on. Over 90 million people nationwide watched the chase on TV showcasing the surreal scene.

The chase eventually ended when OJ agreed to surrender after speaking to his mother. Car Chase Bronco GIF

Now, the famous getaway Bronco lives at the Alcatraz East Crime Museum in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. His Bronco and other O.J. memorabilia have been at the museum since it opened in 2016.

The Bronco is among four “get-away cars” featured at the Crime Museum along with Bonnie and Clyde’s “death car” from the 1967 film, Ted Bundy’s Volkswagen Beetle, and John Dillinger’s Red Essex Terraplane. The exhibit is reportedly a guest favorite. 

The museum was already planning on opening a special OJ exhibit later this summer to honor the 30th anniversary of the deaths of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman. Now with the death of O.J., it looks to be more popular than ever.
