What shouldn’t you buy from your local convenience store? 

FDA Warns To Stay Away From “Gas StationEnergy Focus GIF by Bucked Up

The Food and Drug Administration is cracking down on what it calls “Gas Station Heroin.”

Tianeptine energy drinks and pills that are sold at convenience stores and online can become addictive, have harmful interactions with prescription medications, and can cause death. 

Although Tianeptine is used to treat depression in other parts of the world, the drug has never been approved for use in the United States. Movie gif. Will Ferrell as Mugatu from Zoolander flails his arms in anger as he shouts. Yellow block text, "I feel like I'm taking crazy pills."

Manufacturers buy the powder from China and mix it into herbal supplements sold at gas stations. 

The drinks and shots are sold as “Neptune’s Fix,” “Zaza,” and “Tianna Red.”

FDA Warns Against Gas Station Heroine