Why you might need a loan for a Super Bowl ticket.

Super Bowl Ticket Prices Hit Record LevelsSuper Bowl Football Sticker by NFL

You’re going to need Taylor Swift money to see the Super Bowl in person this year, as the average ticket price is 70% higher than tickets for 2023’s big game at $9,800!

The cheapest ticket found was still more than $8,400.

These Super Bowl tickets to see the Chiefs take on the 49ers are the most expensive in Super Bowl history.

The game’s Las Vegas location is driving up the price, as the it’s turning a three or four hour game into a week’s worth of celebrations.Text gif. Couple sitting on a couch, bottles in hand, snacks all around, the woman wearing a Philadelphia Eagles jersey, and the man wearing a Kansas City Chiefs jersey, as they both pump fists in celebration. Text, "Super bowl and stay home."

If you’d prefer to save some money, check out Super Bowl LVIII on Sunday, February 11th with kickoff happening at 6:30 p.m. ET. The game airs on CBS and its streaming service Paramount+.

Ticket Prices For This Years Super Bowl!