Call Me Love Sticker by Pixel Parade App_ Do you instinctively reach for your smartphone whenever you’re in an awkward chat with unfamiliar people, or just feel like you’re the odd one out? Researchers found that people treat their smartphones as “security blankets” to help them cope with uncomfortable social situations.

In experiments, they found that people allowed to keep their phones had lower stress hormone levels when ignored in conversations, whether or not they were allowed to use the devices. Just the presence of the phone was enough to set them at ease. It might have to do with what the phone represents. It’s a symbol of your “larger personal network.” It may represent all the people you’d like to reach out to when you’re feeling isolated.

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It might not matter that the people in front of you are being inconsiderate when all your social media friends are sitting in your pocket. And while there is an argument to be made for people losing their connection to the moment by staring at their phone screens, the researchers believe this mobile blankie can be helpful by offering a “sense of security” you wouldn’t otherwise have.